Reflective Prayer #2: Setting Our Minds & Hearts on Things Above

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Scriptures to Meditate On and Pray Through —
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” – Matthew 6:21
Philippians 3:20; Romans 12:1-2; 1 Thessalonians 5:19; 1 John 2:6; Philippians 4:6; Romans 12:21; Luke 1:37
What to Pray —
In Jesus Name I pray. This day loving Father, I choose to abide in Christ, to set my mind on Christ, to realign my thinking and heart on things above where my true citizenship has been firmly established through the finished work of Jesus. Remind me continually Father, that this world is not my true home.
Forgive me I pray, for allowing the roots of my living to grow deep into what is not eternal.
  • For my satisfaction with earthly pleasures instead of Jesus, forgive me O God.
  • For feasting on media of all kinds, but not on Your spoken and written Word, forgive me O God.
  • For giving in to the pull of the world in many ways while ignoring the promptings of the Holy Spirit, forgive me O God.
  • For the disparity between what I say I believe and how I actually live, O God forgive me!
(Pause and continue to confess as led by the Holy Spirit.)
During these days of restricted activity, may my heart become quiet enough, still enough, to hear Your voice clearly once again. Strengthen me by the Holy Spirit to resist distractions. Instead, like Mary, may I sit at Your feet choosing what is best. As I wait on You, I ask Father that You give to me the gift of a broken and contrite heart. Show me the ways in which pride and idolatry have entrenched themselves in my actions, reactions and relationships. Destroy them all I pray!
(Pause and continue to pray as led by the Holy Spirit.)
Lord God Your Word admonishes me to not be anxious about anything but to pray about everything. And so in submission to Your Word I bring my requests before You.
Father, in Jesus’ mighty Name I ask that You stop the spread of COVID-19 and bring healing to those who are suffering and Your Name be glorified!
I lay before You my concerns for the physical well-being of my family, neighbors and friends at this time of sickness. Surround them with Your loving protection. I lift them before You by name… (Pray for each person or family)
May families grow stronger because of the extra time they have together. Use these days of restricted activity to bring healing to weak or fractured relationships.
Father I give all of my finances to You, confessing that I am only the steward. All that I have belongs to You. Forgive me for the ways that I have been possessive of what is not mine. Remove all fear from my heart and remind me continually that You Father, will supply all my needs. Present needs, future needs –  You are my provider.
I ask for our national and global economy. Lord, release creativity and innovation to create jobs. I pray against overspending and overproduction. Lord, release a spirit of generosity and contentment over our nation, your Church in particular.
I ask for those who are without work and ask that You open doors of provision for them (pray for the wait staff at restaurants you frequent, and other service oriented businesses). I pray for healthcare workers who have too much work, that You strengthen them and sustain them. Keep them from sickness. I especially pray for those working in hospitals and eldercare facilities close to me…
Give wisdom to our Ministers and church leaders (pray for them by name– Pastor Drew and LeeAnn, Carlos & Ana Vazquez, Eric & Emma Welch, Steve & Jennifer Wright, Hope Young) and grow us as a faith community during this time of separation. May we be increasingly intentional in staying connected and encouraging one another!
Father give Your wisdom to those who lead our nation and to all public officials. May their hearts turn to You and call on Your Name. Father, may we put our hope and trust in you first, believing you can influence and direct our leaders to make wise and just decisions. We ask that you would increase humility, and decrease selfishness and the other “self-sins” we so easily participate in. Help us to sacrifice for the good of others, again trusting that all we need is provided for in You. Help us to say no to our biases and prejudice, and love those who sin against us and against You.
Holy Spirit show me, prompt me, as to how I might participate with Your purposes during this time. Utilize me as Your mouthpiece to calm fearful hearts and encourage the weary. Utilize me as Your hands and feet to bless those around me with acts of kindness that Jesus might be seen through me. May Your goodness expressed through me, overcome evil.
I bring these requests before you Father with thanksgiving in my heart, knowing that You are the God who sees and hears and answers – there is nothing that is impossible for You! Therefore I have hope.
I commit these things to You believing in the power of Jesus’ Name. Amen