DNA is the code that tells organisms how to be what they are. Our DNA is our purpose, mission, vision, values & beliefs that dictate how we function as a gathered community (local church). Below are the 4 core values, purpose, vision & mission that make up our DNA.

Welcome Home
Belong to a Community of Vulnerable Trust & Diversity.

Orient to Christ
Believe as a Community of the Presence of Christ.

Progress Together
Become a Community of Truth & Purpose.

Extend Life Everlasting
Go Beyond as a Community of Grace & Peace.
Our Purpose
To know Jesus Christ
and make Him known to all peoples as
Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and King!
Making Him known in this way is essential for life!
We do this by living in a way that our relationship with Him is our first priority and by having a lifestyle that accurately demonstrates His Presence, Power and Purpose in our lives. The thoughts, emotions, and attitudes we keep, the words we speak, and the actions we take are a representation of how Jesus has entered our lives and changed us from the inside out. The Spirit of Grace He marks us with makes a life that gives Him glory possible as we Journey along with Him. In this we bring Glory to God, preparing people in grace for works of sacrifice and service, becoming actively involved in the Great Commission locally and globally; so that every man, woman, and child in Charlotte, and regions beyond have the opportunity to hear, understand and accept the Gospel of Jesus the Christ, receiving Him as their Savior, Sanctifier, Healer & King, and therefore becoming disciples and witnesses of His Name.
"We are a Christ-centered, Gospel-transforming, Acts 1:8 family on mission."
Vision in Pieces
Journeying with Jesus as missional kingdom disciples to mark, make, mature & multiply more disciples who restore hope in Him to the marginalized & spiritually hungry of Charlotte and other cities & regions beyond.
We are training, equipping & mentoring disciples in ministry & mission centers and life-2-life along the Disciple Pathway who can guide others in faith(belief, trust, & obedience) to meet, know & exalt Jesus.
We will activate them to cultivate HOPE Communities—Spirit-filled, worship-based prayer, disciple-making, & missional environments (Houses of Prayer)— everywhere across our city.
We are a Spirit-led, values-based, multi-generational, multi-ethnic, multi-gifted, organized but organic network of Christ-centered disciples; By this, each HC will be made up of neighbors & Fellowships—a Spirit-filled, missional & diverse family (Acts 1:8) who will walk the journey together.
These various environments will encourage and empower Jesus people to be on mission in everyday life—personally, in families & fellowships, communities & neighborhoods, schools, workspaces, marketplaces, 3rd spaces, hospitals, parks, town halls, and houses of worship—wherever the revealed Presence of Christ makes His home.

Mission Explanation
We believe that Jesus has called us to demonstrate who he is to this world because He wants to reconcile all of creation to Himself. On this Journey there are moments of connection with other people. It is in these times that we have a choice. We can bring meaning to those moments in our search for wholeness or we can let them pass us by. But that meaning doesn’t create substance by chance, it comes by a lot of listening and has to be anchored to something or someone unchanging, so that the changes we then make last in our move towards wholeness. Each of these crosspointes is an opportunity to open the door to Jesus.
So we are giving ourselves fully to demonstrating God’s unchanging character, especially His redemptive love as best as we can by revealing Christ, restoring hope & helping to reclaim lives as we connect with those where we work, shop & play and in our families & friendship circles. This is what the Lord says in Jeremiah 6:16a:
Stand where the roads cross, and become aware. Ask of the ancient paths, where the good way is and walk in it. Journey its path and you will find rest for your souls.
There are many ancient paths, but there is only One path that is the “good way”, the Path to Everlasting Life in and through Jesus. It is a path of sacrificial love and forgiveness. Often this means the Path of Life we are on leads us to go beyond and cross borders to demonstrate God’s character to those we wouldn’t normally associate with; people of other races & ethnicities, the poor, the marginalized, those having other political bends, or lifestyles, etc. You name the difference, chances are Jesus would ask us to build relationships with these people to show who He is, and what he did for us all!
When Jesus preached to the crowds, as recorded in the Gospel of Luke, he was quick to say that we are called to love those who are hard to love – not just the ones that love you in return.
Crosspointe Alliance Church exists to do just that – express God’s unending love and mercy to those that need it the most. Jesus said it best in Luke 6:35-38:
But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for He is kind to the ungrateful and the evil.
Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful. Judge not, and you will not be judged; condemn not, and you will not be condemned; forgive, and you will be forgiven; give, and it will be given to you.
For that reason, we celebrate His creative design of diversity, and still manage to come together as one with those who love Jesus.