What to Expect
Come to a place of Belonging
Sunday Morning Worship & Service
Join us in person or online at 10:30AM Weekly. We are a welcoming and diverse community, so all ethnic groups, ages, people with special needs, and socio-economic classes are welcome. Part of our gathering together is also serving together. We facilitate various serving opportunities starting at 9:00AM to 12:00PM on Sundays during our gatherings, Below is what to expect from our Order of Worship*, Kids & Youth and practiced Sacraments.
More of What to Expect
Where Do We Gather?
We intentionally gather together every Sunday at 10 AM for Weekend Worship and Service Gatherings at The Alliance Center5th Sundays | REACH Opportunities - From The Alliance Center. Meet at 10AM. Holiday Sundays | Community Life - We also gather at the HEALING HOUSE or another participant Home for OPEN Table on Thursday Evenings at 6:30 PM. For other gatherings and opportunities check out the calendar.
CalendarTo what denomination are you Connected?
Our Movement Network: We are a part of The Alliance—a Christ-centered, Acts 1:8 Family (The Acts 1:8 = Spirit-empowered, Gospel-transforming Deeper Life & Mission). We believe in the redeeming power of God through His Son, the Word, His Holy Spirit, and His Kingdom Church. You can see our Statement of Faith by clicking on the button.
The AllianceWhat do you Believe?
We hold to the Ancient Christian Creeds and a statement of Faith and Kingdom Values to guide our community to walk with Jesus as we make key decisions. We are big on hospitality and are open to all kinds of people who want to walk fully with Jesus because we believe that moving toward Jesus and being transformed into His likeness is more important than where we start the journey or how messy it is along the way. We believe the Bible tells us to value being intentionally diverse yet unified in belief and purpose when it comes to ages and stages; races and ethnicities, socio-economic realities; multi-intelligences and neurodiversity, as well as abilities and disabilities. In accordance with Alliance polity we equip, empower, and endorse both men & women to serve in all aspects of the ministry and mission including functioning as and being called pastors; even as our lead pastor and governing elders are men.
Our BeliefsDo I need to bring anything?
Starting out, if you have a Bible and/or journal bring those with you. (If you need/want a set, we will be happy to help you acquire them). As you have a sense of belonging in the community, we would love for you to contribute to our gatherings, and meals; to discover your passion & purpose to engage in serving opportunities where you will see you are always a blessing in the community, and as God leads you to contribute financially or with other resources to the mission locally and globally.
Belong and ServeWhat do I wear?
We do ask that you dress modestly in your "best", whatever that might be to you. This isn't about meeting certain criteria for maintaining self-image or status but about the inner qualities of humility, honesty, honor, and dignity. This can mean wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt, or shorts and sandals in the hot summers. For some, this means a dress or suit and tie, but we don't have an expected dress code. What you wear might mean being the most comfortable you find yourself on a Sunday morning when you are a guest within a new community.
CommunityHow do I/we get connected?
One of the best ways to get connected is either through OPEN Table (Thursday Evenings) or our Friday Night Ops. (Starting again in June) This is a good introduction to the Community. Family Fun NightsPartnering and Parenting Dinner Club Welcome to the Neighborhood (especially for new residents to Charlotte, but all are welcome)Check the Calendar for upcoming dates of gatherings and opportunities.
Crosspointe GroupsWho is Welcome?
Truly we welcome all people, but that doesn't mean everyone will be comfortable with us...,,,So, whether you are wondering about yourself, a friend, or a loved one, you are truly welcome here. We hope you will choose to engage in an authentic relationship with the One who has made you. He knows who you truly are, and we want to know you as well.
Kids & Teens
What about my Kids & Youth?
- Kids are really important to us, so we do everything we can to make sure their time is well spent keeping active and learning, they are safe, and we even throw in some fun!
- We do family church… sometimes it means we meet in homes and sometimes it means the kids are with us the whole time, but sometimes we have special times for them in one of the Kids rooms set up especially for them. We believe the Kids and Youth are part of the church now, even as they mature into who they will be. We do our best to make sure they have growing experiences that match their needs and not cultural expectations. This can be messy at times, but “we do awkward graciously”, so it’s also glorious. We aren’t about being perfect people, because we are about people becoming whole and purposeful.
- In this, every week we have 15 minutes dedicated to them called Family 15 are intentionally investing in all our Kids to prepare them in following Jesus all their days. So, regardless of the place where we are gathering, there is something specifically for them that will cultivate and nurture them as functional God-loving people during their life’s journey.
- We believe that God hold’s parents responsible for discipling your Kids. It’s the church’s responsibility to parents to partner with you in this process. What would it look like if 3 adults beyond parents had a positive impact in a child or teenager’s life? We are working to curate, create and equip parents to disciple their kids and teenagers throughout the week.
What about my Pre-Teen or Teenager?
We encourage your teenagers to begin to see themselves as participants and partners in the Kingdom. We want them to know they are seen, valued, and appreciated as part of the community. They can worship, serve, grow, develop, and lead as part of the community. (See Below)
In addition to this, currently, we are intentionally investing in them through mentoring. We hope to once again have a specific disciple-making pathway and gatherings for them on an evening during the week and various other times throughout the year. (For Specific Opportunities see the Youth page)
What are your gatherings like?
Weekend Worship & Service Gathering (Presence & Encounter)
4 Sunday Months | we gather as a Community of HOPE (40-44 Weeks)
We gather to Enact the Kingdom by practicing our Missional Core Values –
Welcome Home | Embrace Community
Orient to Christ | Encounter Jesus
Progress Together | Equip the Saints (Engage the Word)
Extend Life Everlasting | Empowered for the Mission (Establish Connections)
5th Sunday Months | We usually start at the Alliance Center at 3242 Ridge Rd, but move from there out into the City to serve our neighbors. (4 weeks)
On Holiday Weekends | each year regardless of where they fall, we invest in our church community with a special meal together, a few words of encouragement, and by making space for relationships to grow. (4-7 weeks)
Remembrance Sunday (Memorial Day), Freedom Sundays (Juneteenth, 4th), Rest Sunday (Labor Day), Gratitude Sunday (Thanksgiving) , Christmas Sunday (When it falls on this day) and Promise Sunday (New Year’s).
There will be some exceptions to this gathering rhythm due to special days and holidays but generally, you can depend on this rhythm over the course of 2024.
Special Sundays | Sometimes there are special Days in the Church Calendar like Palm Sunday, Easter, Pentecost and Advent that have special aspects to them.
OPEN Table Gatherings. At each OPEN Table gathering:
- Offer Hospitality to God, Friends and Neighbors
- Pause Together to Share a Meal
- Encourage Each Other thru Storytelling & Prayer
- Nourish the Heart & Soul from the Word and Having Fun Together
HOPE Community Gatherings (Not Currently Happening)
- Welcome Home | Enact the Kingdom Everyday – We enjoy sharing a Meal together | Embrace Community – We share Gospel Stories of faith, grace and life-change.
- Orient to Christ | Encounter Jesus – Scripture Meditations through Lectio Divina
- Progress Together | Engage the Word/Equip the Saints – Engage & Respond to an Equipping Resource
- Extend Life Everlasting | Empower for the Mission – Prayer & Activation with each other and for our neighbors to Establish Connections.
Updraft Prayer
10:00 AM
Coffee & Community
10:00 AM
Worship & Service Gathering
10:30 AM
OPEN Table
6:30 PM The Healing House

Spring 2024
Updraft Prayer (10:00 AM)
Coffee and Community (10:00 AM)
Welcome Home (10:30AM)
Welcome Guests, Family & Neighbors
Welcome God’s Presence
Family News
Orient to Christ
Scripture Meditations – Musical Worship (See Spotify Playlist)
Garden of Prayer
Offerings, Generous Giving to God
Progress Together
Crosspointe on Mission/Engaging Vision
Family 15
Disciple Talk
Extend Life Everlasting
Call to Response – Lord’s Table (Some Weeks)
Song of Response
Upper Room Prayer
Pray for Neighbors
Closing Song
Blessing (Benediction)
*Order of Worship subject to change according to the leading of the Holy Spirit & special events. Our Worship and Service usually runs until Noon.
For our music, we sing hymns, gospel and modern worship choruses, sometimes even in other languages (with English lyrics available of course). It’s a real treat to hear God worshipped in people’s heart languages.
We are currently looking for Worship Leaders, so if you are interested or know someone who is, use the Contact Form on the Connect Page.
Sometimes they are referred to as “ordinances”.
We can see in the scriptures and have experienced that God wants to interact with His children in the small things, as well as the big life moments. Some of these threshold events are a natural part of the rhythm of our lives and some are rites that are created with intent and expectation of an Encounter with the Living God. We do our best to celebrate, recognize and/or remember them all.
One of the ways we do this is through the Sacraments, key moments in the life of the church, and the Faith Journey of the believer where GOD shows up, revealing Himself as we practice sacred and symbolic acts. Because of His practice or promise to do so we practice the following:
- Believer Baptism
- The Lord’s Table (sometimes called Communion, the Lord’s Supper or the Eucharist)
- Confirmation (Affirming the witness of the indwelling Holy Spirit as we Encounter God in the process of becoming a fully devoted disciple of Jesus)
- Forgiveness (which in its fullness has aspects of confession, repentance, redemption & reconciliation)
- Anointing the Sick (with olive oil)
- Laying on of Hands (Blessing & Impartation; Selecting, appointing & setting apart Spirit-filled and developed Leaders)
- Rites of Passage (Baby Dedications, Birthdays, Adulthood/Celibacy, Marriage, Last Rites & Funerals, and others).

Pastor Connect
The ability to chat with a Pastor is one of the things we are grateful to provide.
To schedule an appointment please fill out the form. We'd like to chat with you!