Making Disciples
Jesus told his disciples to go and make disciples. He gave us the method to model as we make disciples of Jesus today.
But what is a disciple? Simply put, a disciples is one who accepts, adheres to and assists in spreading the beliefs and lifestyle of another person. Since we want to make Disciples of Jesus, we are talking about Practicing the Way of Jesus––in His Will, Word, and Works.
Disciples of Jesus choose to belong in Family of God through Jesus, they become a Follower, Believer, Saint, Pilgrim, Learner, Devotee, Apprentice, Friend, Companion, and, Sent One of Jesus.
With Crosspointe we would describe it like this…
Healthy Kingdom Disciples are fully given people:
- They Belong to Be with Jesus, following Him as disciplined learners;
- Growing in knowing Him, they Believe–heart, soul, mind & strength;
- They Become like Jesus in His Way, Will, Word, and Works, so being & becoming deeply transformed by Him;
- And they Go Beyond–prayerfully, relationally, intentionally, strategically, purposefully, & perseveringly, offering their lives as gifts to the world for Jesus to share, care, train, equip, mentor, guide, and empower more disciples.
- In this, a disciple loves God and loves their neighbor as themselves.
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Learn More Our Philosophy of Disciple-Making
Our philosophy of disciple-making is taking us beyond Sunday Morning Services, and Small Groups or Sunday School in understanding that one size doesn’t fit all. Discipleship is not an event, it’s a Faith Journey. That means instead of creating event times week after week. We are cultivating different kinds & sizes of environments that all have the same elements, but different purposes.
When we cross-pollinate reproducing disciples in these 6 Environments we see God grow enduring whole-life disciples.
Disciple's Pathway
The first disciples called themselves the Way. There was a reason for this, the scriptures tell us to follow those who have gone before, particularly following Jesus in the way that has been tread or marked out for us. We follow along this trail that takes us off the main drag that the world is traveling in mass.
Just maybe there is another WAY that doesn’t leave us with empty promises and broken relationships. Just maybe following Jesus invites you to follow along the WAY less traveled… where life everlasting actually exists. Don’t be confused and fooled by substitutes or replicas, there is a real, REAL life waiting for you as we walk the pathway others have traveled for centuries.
During this Launch Season as a Church we are beginning all our disciple-making through "Open TABLE" on Thursday Nights.

Journey Guides
We have several methods of making disciples, along with our OPEN Tables, HOPE Communities, and LIFE Fellowships, we have CULTIVATE Mentoring along the Disciple's Way that will make it possible for you to have your travel bag full of tools you will need for the journey. There are four trail-heads for the Disciples' Way below. If you are either new to following Christ or still trying to figure out who this Jesus is, we have a CULTIVATE Group for you.
In 24 Interactive sittings, dialogue with a Storyteller to get the scoop on what the Christian Scriptures are all about. It’s the best way to discover what we believe, who this Jesus is and how they have meaning for your story.
This is offered year-round with a personal start date at your convenience or in a group context each Winter.
Next Group Start Date Winter 2025
One-2-One start Date Anytime.
We also offer the Alpha Course each Fall on Wednesday Evenings.
Being a disciple of Jesus is not primarily about morality, rules, reading the bible or going to church every Sunday. It can’t be accomplished by checking boxes off a list despite what you might have heard. It’s about relationship by knowing Jesus and being known by Him. In “The Christ-Centered Life” and “Creeds” we explore 15 Conversations about Beliefs, Values and Practices of a Christ-Centered Disciple and the 12 confessions of the Ancient Hymns that have guided the Church for the last 2000 years.
This is offered next during OPEN Table and 1-2-1 sessions Fall of 2024.
The four existential questions “Who am I?”, “What do I need to Sustain Life?”, “Where do I Belong?”, “Why do I Exist? and other questions like “Does life have meaning?”, “Can I be whole?”, “What is my purpose?” We’ve all asked these questions… each one points to our need to have a mooring to anchor our lives to. Where we base our identity will guide the rest of our lives. But it’s never too late to find our value in the unshakable One.
This is offered 1-2-1 or in a group context of 3-5. Fall or Spring only. Starting Fall 2024.
Segment 2: 2024-25 | Climbing the Trellis of Godliness
- When it comes to questions of meaning the second biggest question after “who am I?” is “Why am I here?”, or “What is my purpose?”. During this sessions we will look at the way God has designed you for a particular purpose in mind. His desire is that you will flourish!
- Over Eight months we will have the key conversations about aligning ourselves with God’s purpose for our lives giving all those questions of meaning & wholeness a context so that the answers He gives us can drown out the uncertainties and insecurities of life as we depend on Him and His plan for Life.
This is offered 1-2-1 or in a group context of 12-15 people every three years.
We begin again this Fall on Sunday Nights September through November and January through May/June. Check the Calendar for the Session Date and Deeper Life Lab that accompanies it.
Segment 3: 2025-26 | Whole & Healthy Relationships
- The Context for our lives is Relationships. Relationships are the very fabric of Society, so having healthy relationships is key to how we live and breathe and have our meaning. First with God and then with others.
- Over Eight months we will have the key conversations about Relationships that will be building blocks for how we cultivate culture in our with our families in our homes, in our church, and how that influences society as a whole.
This is offered 1-2-1 or in a group context of 12-15 people every three years.
We begin again NEXT Fall on Sunday Nights: September through November and January through May/June. Check the Calendar for the Session Date and Deeper Life Lab that accompanies it.
Segment 5: 2026-27 | The Deeper Life – Spiritual Dynamics
- The Context for our lives is Relationships. Relationships are the very fabric of Society, so having healthy relationships is key to how we live and breathe and have our meaning. First with God and then with others.
- Over Eight months we will have the key conversations about the Deeper Life in Christ and how it pertains to the Spiritual Realm that is behind the veil. These will be building blocks for how we connect with and resist the various spiritual and cultural realities we deal with on a daily basis.
This is offered 1-2-1 or in a group context of 12-15 people every three years.
We begin this in Fall of 2026 on Sunday Nights: September through November and January through May/June. Check the Calendar for the Session Date and Deeper Life Lab that accompanies it.